Adam, a suburban criminal, ends up in a security prison. Once in the institution, he meets the serious criminal Franky who introduces him to the network leader Chicago. Once in Chicago's clutches, Adam's ghetto dream begins to turn into a nightmare. As his girlfriend Alicia gets pregnant, Adam finds himself in an inferno of cocaine, gangster murders, armored car robberies, and seven-figure debts to pay. Will Adam be able to leave the gang alive?

Miseria is a highly topical social document at a time when the once peaceful Stockholm is now internationally described as "the No. 1 murder capital of Europe"

Help us get the message out in Sweden, work to prevent crime, and show young people the downside of gang life. 

Book a tour for your church, business or school. 

You will also help to disseminate the film and finance the project.

Dates for bookings will come after November 13, 2024, but booking requests can be made now.


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